The Pause
Rivers have moods. Terrain, elevation, and climate all affect the flow of a river. Sometimes it's wide and mellow. Sweeping, meandering, and even majestic. Other times it's narrow, and dangerous. Full of twists and turns. Deep canyons, whirlpools, waterfalls, and rocks make the river perilous at best. Deadly - at its worst. At times, my life feels like a flowing river. The current is always moving. Sometimes, the stretch of rive r is predictable. Comfortable. Manageable. At other times it can be harrowing - with little sense of control. In those times, I can feel the angry pull of whitewater - as I "hold on for dear life". Since, December 28, 2017, I have been immersed in writing down my story. It was jus t afte r Christmas, and I had a week off. I decided to "rough out" an outline of my life. Then, I began to intentionally look for God's purposes that might have been at work shaping me....