A Rough Draft
One Rough Draft of "A Rough Draft" |
Each reveals its own evidence - of the task at hand.
A "work in progress" is what they called it. A “rough draft” is another name. To most, it looks a mess. The gaps are many. The ending is yet undone. Parts of it flow well. Others are just not right. To anyone, but the author, it makes little sense.
While the draft remains drafty, and completion is far away, there is a flicker of hope. There’s the whisper of a message. There’s an ebb to the flow. Maybe, just maybe, it is closer to being finished, than it seems. While imperfect, it has promise. There’s a heartbeat of promise – that lays deep within its soul.
My "Happy Place" |
At its core, writing is precise. Nuance gets carried only by words, pictures, and graphics. Absent are the gestures, body language, tone, and inflections that come when we speak. Because of this, writing can be challenging. Clarity can be elusive. Capturing the intended meaning can be tough. But, the transferring of a story; the sharing of a thought; a moment of inspiration, can be a very precious reward.
These days, I'm learning a lot about rough drafts. There’s no doubt of this. This is my 39th post, and I have a healthy trail of drafts so far in my wake.
I am also learning that life is a lot like a “rough draft” as well. It has seasons and cycles. “Learning from your mistakes” implies that “do overs” happen. Circumstances may repeat themselves. Every new day becomes a chance to make revisions to the draft.
It has been a year and a half that I have been posting “Reflections in the Mirror”. Thanks for following my journey so far. It has been an intensely spiritual experience to write down my story. I highly recommend for you to reflect on your own. Even just the listing of timelines of things that “happened” to me has been helpful to recall later on. Timelines have created a context for each memory that is told.
With each story, I have had to wrestle with events surrounding them. Did I really encounter God? Is there really a purpose why God made me? What unique message or perspective has God given to me – so that people can “see” him in me – and encounter him themselves.
So far, in the telling of my
story, I am at the age of 32. At that
point, I have gotten through one “rough draft” – so to speak. I have gotten through a peak and a valley –
an ebb and then a flow. I’m starting to
get some shape to the story and develop a “track record”. Some water, now, is underneath my bridge.
I have started to figure out my
design: my personality and my traits.
I’m an introvert, a hands-on learner, and an intuitive
decision-maker. I am a
jack-of-all-trades, rather than a specialist.
My gift-mix is starting to emerge.
Patterns develop: I tend to get experience before I get a
credential. In 14 years as an adult, I
have dabbled in three careers: camping/youth ministry, warehousing, and
teaching ESL.
Recently in my story, I’ve gotten
a life partner - who herself is an extrovert, and an analytical
decision-maker. Lisa is God’s perfect
match for me. On top of it, the drive
and passion to travel and to learn by doing doesn’t slow down. In fact, it is becoming much more pronounced
in the years to come.
At the age of 18, once I made the
decision to make God a priority, I went through a season of developing skills,
networks, and relationships. I began to
accumulate experiences. And, I started wrestling
with life, God, and character stuff.
Still, when I was 32 years old, I
had no clear purpose. I stumbled over
the idea of “calling”. The concept was
unclear. At this point, I still saw
calling as a job to pursue, and not a person to become. I was clueless about any life messages
developing. I couldn’t tell you why God
made me. But, I sort of started noticing
that I was open to transition. And, I
was feeling comfortable with lots of change.
While I can articulate my primary
life message today as “God can be
trusted in all life’s transitions”, this message is barely peeking through
when I was 32. God will hone and shape
it often before I turn 62. Stay tuned!
Many have asked if these stories
will someday be in a book. The answer is
yes. At another level, this blog has
been “a rough draft” for a book down the road.
The title will likely be Refections in the Mirror: Looking Back to See
Ahead, God Can Be Trusted. The book
will be an interactive autobiography – a concept I’m not really sure exists. The
goal behind telling my story is for others to see how I discovered my life
purpose. Each “chapter” will have a
handful of coaching questions to help others unpack their own life purpose.
While I have enjoyed sharing my
story, my story isn’t special. Let me
say that again. My story is NOT
special. We each have our own special
story. But, what IS special about my story - is that it is finally being
written down. It can now be transferred. Primarily it can be transferred to me and
Lisa. We have grown immensely in our
walk with the Lord and each other through the telling of this story.
It is also my hope that the
telling of my story gets transferred on to you that it helps you to pause and
reflect on your own journey, your relationship with God, and his purposes for
making you.
Through the writing of this story, I have been reminded, life is “a
rough draft” for eternity. The final
product is still coming. Be encouraged. Accept
when the drafts are rough, messy, imperfect, and unclear.
It’s the sign of “a work in
progress”. It’s a rough draft – and the
author isn’t done writing your story yet.
For those following my Calling Journey:
Within the context of “being coached for my life purpose”, and my story so far, I have unpacked the first of the stages and valleys found in The Calling Journey. I am through: the decision to make God a priority in my life (Lordship); the stage of Natural Promotion; and a first major valley: the Valley of Identity. (For more on this, see my stories “Reflections in the Mirror: The Story Behind theStory”, and “Reflections in the Mirror: The Calling Journey”.)
In the next 15 years of the story,
as Lisa and I begin to approach 50, we will go through another cycle. In The Calling Journey it is called
“The Preparation Stage”, and for us it’s about 11 years long. In my story, I refer to this group of stories
as “The Straightaway”. The “Preparation Stage” is then followed by a
deep four-year valley. In The Calling
Journey it is called “The Valley of Wholeness”. I refer to ours as “Carr Trouble”. This combined peak and valley is yet another
“rough draft”. And, wouldn’t you know
it, there’s still more to come after that.
Note: I love coaching anyone in identifying his or her life purpose.
If you are interested in knowing more, check out the ALIGN Coaching
& Ministry Support website, or just write to me about what God is doing in your
Next Time: The Pause.
Photo Credits: The Carr Collection
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